Saturday, December 8, 2007

Can I Buy Your Vote For $1

Stratego's though provoking question
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Assuming that you live in a non-swing state, meaning that it's either strongly Democrat or strongly Republican. There is no chance that it'll be a toss up. Now assume that during election day, I offer to give you $1 to vote for the other guy/gal. Would you do it?

For this scenario, also assume that I know the person you WANT to elect, and that I know the person you ACTUALLY selected during the voting process if you chose to accept my offer. Also assume that you're the only one that this offer is valid for, so I can't buy enough votes to turn the electoral swing around.

Please explain your answer, and also consider the following.

1. If you accepted the offer for $1, would you do it for less? $0.50? $0.25?

2. If you refused the offer for $1, would you do it for more? $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $1000, more?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Cow Propaganda

Stratego's Thought Provoking Question
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....This idea comes from the movie The Island, with Scarlet Johanson and Obi Wan. The people on the island thought that the others whom have been picked by the lottery are the lucky ones, while in reality, there is a dark fate awaiting the selected.

Some of the cows we eat were subjected to a life time of tight confined space. Since they're mammals with a large enough brain, they probably experience primal feelings like sadness and anger. This could lead to bad tasting meat.

What if we play propaganda to the cows to convince them that they're living the good life. And the ones chosen are going to get an even better life. I don't know if propaganda works on cows, but if it does, it can lead to more stress free cows, which means better meat.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

5 Year Clone

Stratego's Thought Provoking Questions
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Imagine that in exactly 5 years time, the population would suddenly double (the increase is not gradual over 5 years, it would be an instantaneous doubling). A clone of everyone on earth will suddenly appear.

These clones would stay on earth for 5 years and suddenly disappear.

Assuming you and everyone else know this will happen. You are chosen as part of a community to determine what to do with these clones. What would you propose?

Would you give these clones full human rights while they are here? Partial human rights? Will you even consider them to be human?

would you try to accommodate these clones? If no, what will you do with them while they are here? If yes, what will you do with the accommodation when they are gone?

Here are some things to consider.
1. The resources on earth will not double.

2. All accomplishments made by these clones will remain even after they leave. Meaning if they discover/built something or are used to discover/built something, the knowledge/building would remain.

3. However, all biological traces of these clones will disappear after they are gone. Meaning if you get a kidney transplant from these clones the kidney will disappear. Or if you eat a clone, any traces left in your body will disappear

Sunday, July 1, 2007

If Global Warming Is Due to CO2

Link to original threadIf Global Warming is due to carbon dioxide, then why is dry ice so cold. It's almost entirely carbon dioxide.