Stratego's Thought Provoking Questions

Imagine that in exactly 5 years time, the population would suddenly double (the increase is not gradual over 5 years, it would be an instantaneous doubling). A clone of everyone on earth will suddenly appear.
These clones would stay on earth for 5 years and suddenly disappear.
Assuming you and everyone else know this will happen. You are chosen as part of a community to determine what to do with these clones. What would you propose?
Would you give these clones full human rights while they are here? Partial human rights? Will you even consider them to be human?
would you try to accommodate these clones? If no, what will you do with them while they are here? If yes, what will you do with the accommodation when they are gone?
Here are some things to consider.
1. The resources on earth will not double.
2. All accomplishments made by these clones will remain even after they leave. Meaning if they discover/built something or are used to discover/built something, the knowledge/building would remain.
3. However, all biological traces of these clones will disappear after they are gone. Meaning if you get a kidney transplant from these clones the kidney will disappear. Or if you eat a clone, any traces left in your body will disappear